
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday #62: Top 10 Books that have been on my TBR shelf for a long time

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Books that have been on my TBR shelf for a long time!"  So, it's that time of year again to talk about my EVER GROWING TBR shelf and how I still haven't reached those precious books that have been on my TBR shelf for so long that SPIDER WEBS are growing on those books!

So, here's my top 10 Books that have been on my TBR shelf for a long time (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  Vampire Knight Volume 3 by Matsuri Hino (since 2009):  Alright, I will admit that I didn't even get to the first two volumes until MUCH, MUCH later.  But, now I have and I still haven't gotten around to this SUCKER yet!

2.  Postal Seance by Henrik Drescher (since 2010): I know, I know.  I am a self-proclaimed fangirl of Henrik Drescher's books and yet I haven't even touched this BABY since I added it to my TBR shelf MANY EONS ago.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?

3. Going Postal by Terry Pratchett (since 2010): 1) This is just ONE of the Discworld books that's been on my TBR shelf (I just chose one of these BABIES because putting them all on this list would be a MAJOR OVERHAUL) 2) I still haven't read ANY books by Terry Pratchett (SERIOUSLY, GIRL?), so this book is over its due date.

4. Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione (since 2010):  MAN, I so wish to go back to the days where I used to read up to FIVE romance books a month!  This one particular romance title is definitely in need for some LOVING from me! 

5.  Extreme Exposure by Pamela Clare (since 2010):  Another romance title from long ago that needs some "TENDER LOVING CARE (TLC)" from me!

6. Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard (since 2010):  Another book that needs some "TENDER LOVING....  You know what?  All romance titles on this list from here on out are going to get some "TENDER LOVING CARE (TLC)!"

7.  Line of Scrimmage by Marie Force (since 2010): See #6 for info.

8.  A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught (since 2010):  See #6 for info.

9.  Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier (since 2010): A fairy tale retelling of one of my most favorite fairy tales?  HOW DIDN'T I READ THIS YET!? 

10. Beauty by Robin McKinley (since 2010):  You know what?  Check out #9 for more info!


  1. Oh oh I really need to read Daughter of the Forest!! I don't actually own it 😂 but I've been recommended it a LOT so I'm with you there.😂 It's so hard to figure out how to read aaall the books in our one puny lifespan right?! WE SHALL JUST LIVE FOREVER.

  2. Those are all totally new to me ones! Hope you get around to reading them someday soon!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Vampire Knight is a great manga! I read it a few years ago but still remember it! I'd highly recommend. My TTT

  4. Haven't read Beauty either, but do now MANY readers are big fans of this classic fairy tale. I also have a friend who reads a lot of Terry's books. I've not read any, but did see the Going Postal miniseries. My memory of it is that it's quite funny. :)

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland!!

  5. Beauty is my favorite book. I truly hope you read it and enjoy it very soon! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  6. You are much braver than I to not only list the books, but to include how long they have been on your TBR. I thought about doing that, but did not want to get depressed about the fact that it is highly likely I will never read every book I want to before I die.

    1. Don't worry! I'm pretty sure you'll read most of the books on your TBR!

  7. 'Beauty' is one of my favorite retellings ever; I reread it about once every year and a half or so. I read Daughter of the Forest years ago and thought it was really good, but I've forgotten so much of the detail that I should reread it. (Book 2 in the same series made my TTT list this week.) And if I had listed books that I've been meaning to read, rather than books in my Goodreads to-read list that I actually have, I would have had the Terry Pratchett books on there too. I hope you get to read at least a few of these soon!

  8. Ooh, I absolutely LOVE vampire Knight! I'll have to check Beauty out, retellings are some of my favorites! Great list going here.

    Here's our Top Ten Tuesday:

  9. I am only familiar with Marie Force, who I feel like I should read something from, since she is so big in romance.

    1. I've never read any of Marie Force's books, but they sound interesting!

  10. I've head good things about Vampire Knight from my friends who enjoy manga and have shoved the books at me, but I've never considered reading it myself.

    I'm picky when it comes to reading mangas though... :/

    1. I'm pretty picky about manga myself. I have to at least hear about the manga first before I buy it.

  11. Wow I haven't heard of most of these! I hope you dust them off and give them a try soon :)

  12. I've only read one Juliet Marillier novel (Wildwood Dancing), and it was excellent! I definitely need to read more of her books!

  13. Oooh you bringing up Terry Prachett reminds me that I own his Color of Magic book and still haven't read it! Awesome list :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  14. I also haven't read any Terry Pratchett and at this point kind of don't know where to start! But I definitely need to pick up his books too because they're so well loved. Great list!
