
Friday, February 23, 2018

Book Blogger Hop #42: February 23rd - March 1st

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

 This week's question is submitted by  Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books.

Do you read hardcovers with the dust jacket on or off? Why or why not?

I try to read books with the dust jacket off because one time when I did read a book with the dust jacket on, I ended up ruining the dust jacket because I usually carry my books everywhere I go and I guess all that traveling put a lot of strain on the dust jacket.  So, the dust jacket comes off whenever I'm reading a book (unless it's the library bindings, which are tied to the books real tight)!  I also can't stand it whenever the book starts sliding around with the dust jacket on and it just distracts me from actually reading the book.


  1. Taking it off is a must for me too.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Yes, if you are carrying the book around, it's easy to damage the jacket.

  3. I completely agree. I have to almost always read with the book jacket off. It makes it all so much easier and less stressful if you're someone who wants to keep your books in good condition! Have a great weekend :)

    My Book Blogger Hop!

  4. I normally keep them on, but I don't tend to carry hardbacks around with me so damaging the dust jackets has never been an issue for me.

  5. I agree they do slide when you are reading but I leave mine on all my books.

    1. If there are library bindings, then I have to keep those on since they are difficult to get off.

  6. I keep the dust jacket on. It doesn't usually slide around for me.

  7. Yeah, I feel the very SAME way you do about leaving a DJ on a book while reading it! You've also made a GREAT point about not leaving the DJ on when carrying a hardcover around. ABSOLUTELY!! It will indeed get damaged if a reader does that!

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for commenting on my own BBH post!! Sorry for the late comment back....:( HUGS!! <3 <3 :) :)

  8. That is understandable why you take the dust jacket off, thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop last week Ronyell.
