
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday #61: Top 10 Bookish Goals for 2018

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Bookish Goals for 2018!"  So, it BEGINS!  There are so many bookish goals that I want to get around to and complete this year, but for the previous years, I was NEVER able to complete these goals and I just end up at SQUARE ONE again!  So, this will be the year where I will finally accomplish those bookish goals that I wasn't able to complete before!

So, here's my top 10 Bookish Goals for 2018 (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  Read up to 10 books a month:  I seriously can NEVER EVER get through this goal!  I think my reading life would have been so much easier if I could just reach that MAGIC number 10 for books being read per month!

2.  Read more classics:  Another goal that I have been striving for and yet, I can NEVER get through this one!  Hopefully, this will be the year where I tackle classics like "Frankenstein," "A Christmas Carol," and "Dracula..." SOON!!!

3. Beat the 100 books reading goal:  I know I set up my Goodreads goal for 80 books this year, but wouldn't it be nice to reach up to 100 books this year (just like the GOOD OLE DAYS) and get to see how many LOVELIES I've managed to read this year?

4. Read more adult and young adult books:  Now, I SERIOUSLY don't have a problem when it comes to reading picture books and graphic novels, but I have noticed lately that I read WAY more graphic novels and picture books than I do with the REGULAR OLE adult and young adult novels. So, it's time to change that habit this year!

5.  Complete my Reading Challenges:  Okay, I have a confession to make. I tend to join up in over like a THOUSAND reading challenges and because of this, I was NEVER able to complete most of my reading challenges. Although, I'm still going to be that HAPPY GO LUCKY challenge seeking girl, I'm going to make it my goal to complete all of my reading challenges this year!

6. Clean out my TBR shelf:  I have SO MANY books in my TBR shelf that it's RIDICULOUS (in a good way).  So, I'm making it my goal this year to clean out my EVER GROWING TBR shelf!

7.  Have more Guest Posts on my blog:  I've always enjoyed hearing other people's opinions about a particular book series they like or seeing what kind of book topics they like to discuss about.  So, my goal this year is to get as many guest posts on my AWESOME book blog AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

8.  Get more participants in my Comic Book Bingo Challenge:  I've held this challenge for over 3 years now and I want to get EVEN MORE participants in this awesome challenge I've just created!  So, if you are a HUGE fan of comic books, then feel free to join in this year's Comic Book Bingo Challenge!  And also, a LITTLE HELP on getting more participants in this challenge: how do you get MORE participants in your SELF MADE reading challenges?  PLEASE ADVISE!

9.  Get more participants in my Book Photo Sunday Meme:  I just recently started this new Book Meme called "Book Photo Sundays" where you post up photos of your books every Sunday.  I know that this is like ADVERTISING my product on another product (in this case, ADVERTISING my book meme on another book meme), but SERIOUSLY, I would be the HAPPIEST person on EARTH if I get more participants in my Book Photo Sundays book meme!  Also, little HELP on how to get more participants for this meme: how do I get more participants for my book meme? PLEASE ADVISE!

10. Explore different genres:  I will admit that I'm a FANTASY, HORROR, and ROMANCE type of gal.  But, I would love to spend this year exploring different genres I've never explored before like NONFICTION, more SCIENCE FICTION and more LGBT ROMANCE!


  1. I feel you on the challenges! I tried scaling back this year for sign ups and find myself working towards them anyways *eyeroll* I'm brilliant.

  2. Phew!! 10 books a month seems so crazy to me but having big goals is great!! I am with you on venturing out to other genres. This year I am hoping to read more sci-fi. Or at least try it and see if it's a genre I would like. Awesome list! Good luck :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  3. I tend to only participate in reading challenges that fit into my greater goals. For example, I want to finish my Classics list, so if a challenge has something to do with that, I'm in. when I joined challenges willy-nilly I got so stressed out. Thank for visiting my blog. Good luck on your goals.

  4. OOoh nice set of goals! A good variety too! Good luck completing them!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. You've got a lot of great goals here, good luck in reaching them. Happy Reading :)

  6. I keep telling myself I will Frankenstein this year too--it's not even a long one! I have not yet read it. Hopefully you will be able to get to some of those Classics this year. I hope I will too. These are all great goals, Ronyell. Good luck with them!

  7. You've got some great goals! I'm really hoping to tackle at least some of my huge TBR list this year.

  8. I like getting those B&N classic editions but then I never read 'em. Need to work on that too. :) And 10 books a month! I could never do that...

  9. Those are some great goals. And what I did to try and get more people to join my 12 Books of Christmas Reading challenge this past year was commenting on blog posts from weekly memes (like TTT) where I saw a Christmas book listed mentioning that it would be a good book for my reading challenge. I think that helped to bring people's attention to it a little more and got me a few signups.

    Hope you have a great week. - Katie

    1. Hmmm...thanks for the advice! I'll start trying that for my challenges and memes in the future!

  10. Good for you trying to finish your challenges this year. Those B&N classic editions are beautiful, I've read three of the six you have listed and Jane Eyre is my favorite classic. If you do 10 books a month you will exceed your 100 book goal... you can do it.

  11. I love your goals!! I would definitely be down for more guest posters on my blog as well. Once upon a time I had a discussion post meme thing that I tried to get people to join in with and it was the HARDEST THING EVER. Good luck with your bookish photo thing-- I love the idea!! I'd be down to check it out :)

  12. 10 books a month is an impressive goal. Frankenstein, A Christmas Carol, and Dracula are all favorites of mine! I hope you are able to pick them up this year.

  13. I want to read more classics too! I have hardly read any! Also want to explore my genres. I am very set in my ways when it comes to books!

    Great list :)

  14. Oh wow....10 books a month. I've never thought about how many I read in a given month and breaking it down that seems easy enough but it sounds like a huge number!

  15. I don't read a lot of picture books or graphic novels. I really wish I was into comic books. I love superheroes, but I just don't like reading them. :(

  16. Good luck with all of them! will be a fun year tackling them I'm thinking :)

  17. Exploring different genres is an excellent goal. I used to be a horror/mystery reader only, and got introduced to fantasy which I ended up loving sooo much (even though I was picking up books close to 1000 pages long... eeek). I have since been much more open to grab a book out of 'my comfort zone' and added many new authors to my list of favorites.

  18. Ten challenges is pretty impressive! I thought I would try not to sign up for so many this year, but still seem to have 6 on the go. Ho hum!
    Good luch with yours :-)

    Stephanie Jane @ Literary Flits
