
Thursday, January 11, 2018

☀Daily Book Chat #22: ☀ New Year...What do you hope to accomplish...reading wise?

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my  ☀Daily Book Chat☀ where I do some SERIOUS discussions that fellow book fans will get a kick out of and relate their thoughts about the subject to other book fans!

Today's discussion question is aboutNew Year...What do you hope to accomplish...reading wise?

Well, everyone! It's finally here!  The NEW YEAR, I mean!


This means that new plans are in motion.  Time to improve on some things that we couldn't do in 2017!

So, today's discussion will be about what we hope to accomplish...reading wise, of course!

Well, I'll start off with what I hope to accomplish reading wise in 2018 and you can all follow along!

1. Read up to 10 Books each month:  This has been my ULTIMATE goal like forever!!!  I just LOVE reading like crazy and I want to show my CRAZY LOVE for books by reading like over A MILLION books per month.  BUT, I can never get to that goal, because sometimes LIFE just gets in the way and you just don't have time to go through all of those BEAUTIES in one month.  So, I'm making it my goal this year to get at least CLOSE ENOUGH to get that ultimate goal of reading over 10 books a month!

2.  Read some good ole classics:  Now, as a BONAFIDE book fan, I should be reading some GOOD OLE classics like FRANKENSTEIN, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, DRACULA, EDGAR ALLAN POE.  But NO!  I haven't even done that yet and there's just too many classics out there that haven't reached my little hands yet!  Well, allow me to REMEDY that this year!

3. Read more adult and young adult books:  Now, don't get me wrong. I will always have a special place in my heart for graphic novels and picture books.  BUT, there are so many good young adult and adult books out there that I haven't read yet and I'm making it my ULTIMATE GOAL to read as many adult and young adult books this year as I can!

4.  Get a Blogger Interview....HOPEFULLY:  I LOVE being interviewed by fellow book bloggers, but it RARELY happens to me.  So, HOPEFULLY, a fellow book blogger will come up to me and ask me for an interview.  I REALLY want to put my thoughts on the book community out there!

Well, that's the daily chat of the day!  What about you?  What reading goals do you hope to accomplish in 2018?  Please comment below! always everybody:



  1. I've seen bloggers asking for guest poster or interviews on their blogs. I haven't really done that in the past, but I know some bloggers do it---keep your eyes peeled!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. Those are some amazing goals! Good luck with them :D I would always keep an eye out for your blog when I want another bookworm to interview :)
