
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Guest Post: The Role of Reading Today by Melisa Marzett (@_customwriting)

Everything undergoes change over time. Even the things that remain, are changing, in accordance with the new realities. Attention to the book and reading books in a world filled with media and daily vanity, is undeservedly reduced in comparison with the past. This article, in addition to listing the factors that affect the development of the culture of reading, is devoted to ways to change the existing approach to the problem of reading books. It is a mistake to believe that with the development of satellite audio and video media, radio, television, and Internet communication networks, people have no interest in reading the book and getting knowledge from it. The book is an ancient cultural attribute that has remained with man for many centuries. At first it was used to record events, scientific knowledge, and religious texts, then with the development of book printing and the birth of fiction, the book became a part of leisure.

How much is it required to read?

Everything is individual here: you can not find a single recipe for everyone. Someone reads one book a year, someone - a day. The most important thing here is not to swallow one book after another, but to properly "digest" the contents. After all, the principle that quality is more important than quantity is also applicable for reading. It's not speed that matters, but what you took out of what you have just read. The number of collected books is not an indicator of intelligence or status, or may even show a lack of one's own taste.

However, there were those who still tried to find an average response to the question posed above. Sociologists conducted a survey, the purpose of which was to find out how many books respondents read in a month or year, and also in order to find out the main purposes of reading. The results are as follows:

52% of respondents read books at least once a month.

When asked about how many books you read in a year, 7 out of 64 people, did not read a single one, 6 read 1 book, 14 mastered 2-3 books, 9 people got acquainted with 4-5 books. 10 readers read from 6 to 10 books, 5 respondents started 11-20 books, more than 20 books were read by 9 respondents. Four could not give a clear answer.

The sense of need for a book and learning to read

The lack of time, the huge amount of entertainment and the high cost of the books are the reasons people explain the loss of interest in reading books. However, if we consider all these three reasons in detail, we will understand that they are not an obstacle for those who like to read books. First, it is worth noting that every day most of the time of each person is wasted. The book can perfectly fill this void. Secondly, unlike many modern hobbies that only take time, reading books has a lot of advantages. In the end, reading in the library can significantly reduce the cost of access to books. So, it can be argued that these reasons are just excuses, which raise the question: why do not we read books ?!

If we go back a bit and leave these reasons aside, we will understand that the most important reason for people's loss of interest in reading a book is that they don’t have a feeling of need for it. In the idea of ​​people, a book is usually associated with something abstract and they do not feel any need for it and are not familiar with the pleasure of reading a book. Reading a book, showing different social and personal motivations of an individual, can have the following consequences for a person's life:

1. Reading expands awareness of existing problems and instills skills in their resolution;

2. Reading gives self-confidence and allows you to get rid of feelings of inferiority and limitations;

3. Reading strengthens beliefs and attitudes, shapes the mindset and readiness to accept something new and participate in the discussion and exchange of opinions;

4. Reading allows you to get acquainted with the masterpieces of literature.

Reading something interesting and exciting frees the person from stress and soothes. The book and interest in it are not what is inherited from the parents. This is the means of acquiring knowledge, which greatly simplifies learning at a young age. Therefore, it is necessary to bring up correct behavior and culture, and interest in reading will appear. If the reading of the book is taught correctly, the person will remove all the obstacles that prevent reading from his path.

Propaganda and development of reading books

The development of culture through the preparation of an appropriate environment and conditions is one of the effective ways to increase interest in reading. A good example in this regard is the policy pursued by some publishers and the Ministry of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the last few years, which consists of issuing pocket books of various subjects. This approach largely helps to solve the problem of loss of interest in reading. The small size of the book makes it easier to carry and allows you to take with you. Thus, the book always appears with us and perfectly fills the time, which is wasted.

Placing such books in buses and publishing books for reading in the metro also facilitates the return of the practice of reading books into the ordinary life of people. At the seminar "The development of reading books and their implications for the book market" of the book exhibition in Seoul, Ms. Patrick Jur of the Union of American Publishers described ways to develop reading books in her country. "One way to develop reading books in America is to attract famous personalities who are portrayed on advertising posters for reading the book.” At the same meeting, correspondent Kim Ki Chul from the newspaper Chu San Daily reported on cooperation with the Korean Union of Publishers to convert living rooms to libraries. In this project, families declare through the newspapers their desire to turn their living rooms into a library and then the Korean alliance of publishers provides interesting books, and the newspaper "Chu San" - the necessary furniture for the library.

Use of new tools and technologies

As already noted, the main essence of constancy in time is the change and attraction of new technologies. It is absolutely true that the appearance of new media narrowed the book sector, but it is them that should be used to expand interest in reading books. Book marketing specialists in these virtual spaces can, with the help of effective marketing technologies, advertise and sell each book separately. The presence of a large number of companies that join the social media by means of the latest technology, appropriate socio-cultural conditions, day by day, proves the fact that by merging with these groups you can engage in advertising and sales.

Reading is self-improvement

Reading is what makes us richer in spiritual and moral aspects, and those who use this knowledge in practice also in the financial. This is something that does not require a lot of expenses, but at the same time it gives a tremendous return. This is what helps us to be ourselves and not be like everyone else: the book cultivates an individuality in us.

Lack of time, severe fatigue, other worries are just excuses for oneself, unwillingness to develop and become better. We must try to read more!

About the author: You are welcome to visit Live Custom and read posts written by Melisa Marzett. She is a very talented writer, who can impress you with her wit mind. 

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