
Friday, November 17, 2017

Book Blogger Hop #37: November 17th - November 23rd

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

 This week's question is submitted by Kristin @ Lukten av Trykksverte!

If you had an author-only Thanksgiving party, who would you invite?

I would definitely invite Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Stan Lee, Lisa Kleypas and Karen Marie Moning!  I would invite Stephen King because I want to know how his nightmares became an inspiration for some of his works, since I tend to write down the dreams I have myself and I might tell him some of these dreams and ask him if they would make great novels!  Neil Gaiman would be great to have in discussing about how he is able to be so creative with his work and I might ask him what's his favorite book that he wrote.  Stan Lee is a legend among comic book readers and I would love to one day meet him and ask him about what it was like writing comic books at the time.  Lisa Kleypas and Karen Marie Moning would be great to talk to as I love reading romance novels and I wanted to ask both of them how they came up with the heroes and heroines of their stories and how they would plot out the romantic scenes between the characters.


  1. Stephen King could come if he wouldn't scare anyone. :)

    Thanks for sharing and for coming by my blog.

  2. Stephen King and Neil Gaiman would be so much fun! Awesome list! :D

    My BBH:

  3. I love that you explained why for each author :) I think Stephen King is a favorite this time lol.

    :) Megan

  4. Stephen King would be interesting but I'm not sure I would invite him. It might be a little to creepy with the stories he writes. :) Have a great weekend!

  5. Lisa Kleypas would be wonderful and I'd love to talk to Neil Gaiman. I'm a big Doctor Who fan so it'd be fun to hear about his experiences writing for the show. And of course Stephen King! Sounds like a wonderful dinner party!

  6. GREAT list!! I'd like to be at that dinner!

  7. LOVE your list, with the exception of Stephen King. I read a short story of his years ago, and it scared me to pieces! So I would not want him at my Thanksgiving party. Sorry....

    Although I have not read books by the other authors on your list, I've seen rave reviews of their work, so I would LOVE to have them at my party! I'm hoping to start reading Gaiman, Kleypas, and Moning in the coming year!

    Sorry for the late comment back.... :(

    Thanks so much for commenting on my own BBH post!! Now I'd like to wish you and you family a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!! HUGS!!! <3 <3 <3 :D :D :D

  8. Stephen King has been a popular choice!
