
Friday, November 10, 2017

Book Blogger Hop #36: November 10th - November 16th

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

 This week's question is submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews!

What is your favorite part of blogging? Is there a least favorite part of blogging?

My favorite part of blogging is being able to talk about books with other book bloggers.  Sometimes it's hard for me to talk about books outside of the book blogging community because most people I talk to outside of the blogging community don't read too many books. So, it's nice to have a place to talk about books with other book bloggers!   I also like the fact that I get to read various books before they are released since it makes me feel special to give out early reviews on books and I also get the chance to read books that explored genres that I usually don't get into.  My least favorite thing about blogging is whenever I get the ARC reviews and I don't post the reviews on time.  This tends to be problematic for me because I'm a slow reader and if a book is due on a specific date, then chances are I won't be able to post the review on time since I would still be reading the book I've downloaded.  Also, if I don't post the reviews on time, then I would lose access to the books I've downloaded and it would seem like a big red mark on my NetGalley and Edelweiss ratio.  That's why nowadays I just request books that are 100 pages or less so I could read the book faster and post the reviews on time.


  1. Talking about books with our awesome, helpful book blogger friends can't be beat.

  2. How do you read your Netgalley books that you lose access to them if you haven't read them by the due date? When I send them to my kindle (which I always do right away) I still have access to them after their archive date (and I'm way in the hole on Netgalley).

    I'm a slow reader too, which is why I try not to take on too many books for review with firm deadlines anymore because I'm not horrible at reading with deadlines.

    Have a great weekend. - Katie

    1. Like, when I try saving it to my laptop and the archive date goes by, I can't re download it when I go back to the site since it keeps on saying that it's past the due date and you can't download it again. How do I download past NetGalley titles on my laptop again? I don't have a kindle, so that's out of the question.

    2. Could you get the KINDLE app?

      Would the books stay on there?

  3. Great answer!! I've only gotten two books from Netgalley. Luckily one I read on time and had no issues with. But the other wouldn't even open!! I ended up buying a copy so I could review it and avoid the negative mark :(

  4. I also enjoy talking to other bloggers and sharing our love of books. Have a great weekend!

  5. It really is nice having people to talk books with :) And, gah, on missing dates. Always a bummer.

  6. Your favorite aspects of blogging are just like mine! And, like you, I don't have anyone outside the blogging community to discuss books with. So it's GREAT to be a part of this community!! :D

    I'm a slow reader, too, so I don't request books from either publishers, or NetGalley. I try to stick to books I already have on my TBR, so I won't have any problems with posting reviews on time. Lol.

    Thanks for sharing! Sorry for the late comment.... Happy Sunday!! <3 <3 <3 :) :):)

  7. Yes!! That is totally one of the reasons why I started blogging! I just wanted to communicate with other book lovers like myself and talk about some of our favorites! Awesome answer :)
