
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #61: The Night Realm by Annette Marie

Hello everyone! "Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, that is hosted by Breaking the Spine and the purpose of this event is that we spotlight upcoming releases of books that we are excited for!  This will also tie into Wishful Ending's Can't Wait Wednesday post!

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Title:  The Night Realm
Author:  Annette Marie
Expected Publication Date:  October 20th, 2017

Clio is good at all sorts of things. As a nymph, she’s great at outdoorsy nature stuff. As a nymph living in exile, she’s got the “blending in with humans” thing down pat. As a nymph living in exile because she has the rare ability to mimic magic, she’s had to pick up some unique survival skills.

But stealing from the most dangerous spell weavers in the Underworld? Not so much. 

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what she has to do to earn a ticket back home. Conning her way into the night realm may have gone pretty well, but now she’s got a new problem. His name is Lyre and he’s a sinfully alluring incubus, a dangerously skilled spell weaver, and the only thing standing between her and stealing some damn magic.

Maneuvering around him without blowing her cover shouldn’t be that difficult, but chaos has been dogging her every step, monsters hide behind beautiful faces, and Lyre keeps saving her neck even though they’re enemies. Kind of enemies? Either way, her mission is getting complicated fast, and in the Underworld, even one mistake could prove fatal.

 Oooh!  A book that deals with a nymph and a incubus!  I can't wait to give this book a try!

So, what upcoming books are you looking forward to?  Please respond below!


  1. Nice pick!!! I like the mix of paranormal in the blurb. I'll be waiting for this one too :) Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WoW.

  2. This is a great pick. I think this will be a fantastic read. Great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by my CWW.

  3. I can't wait to read The Night Realm too - although I already have the book since I'm part of the blog tour. I hope we both love it.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  4. Oooooh I want this one. Sounds good and that cover is gorgeous. Plus, I'm craving urban fantasy right now. Great pick!

  5. Great cover and it seems you don´t have to wait that long to get it *smile* Enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

  6. I love the colors on that cover! This doesn't sound like anything I've ever read before. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love the cover too! This sounds like a great book and something I am interested in reading, will be adding this to my tbr list. Have a great week!

  8. This book sounds awesome and I LOVE that cover! Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. That's a new to me one! Liking that cover too!!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Oooh, those are two creatures you don't see a lot, I'm intrigued! Great pick! Thanks for visiting my Wednesday post on Lisa Loves Literature earlier!

  11. Nice pick! Hope you enjoy it. I haven't read anything that has both a nymph and an incubus in it.

  12. I just read a review for this book earlier tonight and thought it sounded like a great read. I hope you enjoy it!

  13. That is a pretty nice cover! Hope you enjoy it.

  14. That cover is GREAT! And I mostly love the plot, except for the fact that one of the characters is an incubus. So I think I'll check it out of the library when it becomes available, in case I don't like it.

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for commenting on my own CWW post!! <3 <3 :) :)

  15. I want! I want! I want! This sounds so good, Ronyell. I am adding it to my wish list. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! Have a great week!

  16. Finally back from my cruise, great pick this week!
