
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #57: (HALLOWEEN FREEBIE) Top 10 Creepy Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is a Halloween freebie and I have decided to choose "Top 10 Creepy Covers!"  So, I will be choosing books that have REALLY CREEPY covers, even if I hadn't read the book (because let's face it, I haven't read that many horror themed books unless it's picture books).

So here's my top 10 Creepy Covers (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  Shutter by Courtney Alameda


2.  Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

3. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

4. Scary Stories Treasury by Alvin Schwartz

5.  Pet Sematary by Stephen King

6.  The Vivisector by Patrick White

7.  Misery by Stephen King

8.  Haunted  by Chuck Palahniuk

9.  The Dead of Winter by Jack Night

10. Thirty Scary Tales by Rayne Hall


  1. I had to close my eyes while I read your post! (I am a big scared-y cat!) What I could see through clenched eyes was pretty spooky.

  2. I've never seen that cover of Misery...yikes!

  3. The Vivisector cover I could do without. I have this about sharp things near my eyes. It gross me out and freaks me out. Great list!

    1. Yeah, I can't stand images that has things going through eyes myself. And thanks!

  4. A nice selection of creepy covers for sure! A Monster Calls is a cover that has always given me the shivers...

  5. Great picks. I haven't seen the Vivisector one gave me a visceral reaction for sure! *shudder*

  6. These are really creepy! I almost have a visceral reaction looking at the cover for Vivisector. I don't think I could pick that one up to read. I'd probably turn it over so it's face down, in fact!

    I actually like the cover of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Hopefully I can read that and Monster Calls one of these days.

    Thanks for sharing, Ronyell!

  7. Eeee! Yeah, those are come creep-tastic ones. Goodness. lol
