
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #55: (FREEBIE) Top 10 Books with Diverse Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is a freebie and I have decided to choose "Top 10 Books with Diverse Characters!"  So, basically this list has most of the diverse books I've read so far throughout my entire reading career and hopefully, after I complete this list, I will try to read even more books with diverse characters!

So here's my top 10 Books with Diverse Characters (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

YES!  This was the first book that I had read that featured a character with mental health problems (in this case, schizophrenia) and this is a fantastic book for anyone who wants to read books about characters with mental illness.

2.  Heathen Volume 1 by Natasha Alterici

Now, I have read many graphic novels that features LGBT characters, but I had never read a graphic novel that focuses solely on a LGBT character and this graphic novel is definitely worth the read if you are looking for some GOOD OLE graphic novels that features LGBT characters!

3. Follow the Drinking Gourd by Bernardine Connelly

If you want to learn more about black history, then this OLD SCHOOL picture book classic is definitely worth checking out, especially if you want to introduce Black History to young kids!

4. Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Just the fact that you not only have a book that is a retelling of a classic fairy tale, but you also have an Asian protagonist in the mix, makes this book worth reading!

5.  The Other Side by Jacqueline Woodson

Probably one of the most IMPORTANT children's book that you must read since it deals with racism and the power of friendship between two people of different races!

6.  Martin's Big Words:  The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Doreen Rappaport

Probably one of the most INFLUENTIAL African American leaders in history, this picture book is worth reading if you want to learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. himself!

7.  Saga by Brian K. Vaughan

Probably one of the most AWESOME and RIVETING graphic novels around, this series really does explore the range of diverse families that everyone should check out!

8.  Ms. Marvel: No Normal Volume 1 by G. Willow Wilson

This is SERIOUSLY one of the best comics that has a Muslim superhero and is definitely worth the read if you are looking for comic books with positive Muslim characters!

9.  Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco

Another RIVETING children's book the features a diverse cast of characters and the importance of true friendship!

10. Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

It's RARE that you come across a urban fantasy series that features a Native American heroine, so if you are looking for books that has a Native American hero or heroine, then this book is for YOU!


  1. And there's another reminder that I've still not read Cinder (or any of the Lunar books). Why I haven't I don't know. *sigh* Probably this is in part because looong books intimidate me. :D

    1. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll read the Lunar books someday. :D

    2. ...I know. That's what I keep telling myself. ;)

      Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  2. Love Love love Saga, Cinder and Patricia Briggs. Awesome topic and great list!

  3. Oooh nice ones! Lots of new to me ones here! I've read Cinder and Moon Called though! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Great list, Ronyell! I loved Moon Called and enjoy the series--although I'm woefully behind. :-( I hope to read Cinder this fall. I keep eyeing Ms. Marvel every time I go to my husband's favorite comic book store. I really should just give it a try. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I really loved Made You Up, it was on my favorites of that year.

    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  6. I've heard of a few of these, but not read any of them. I'll definitely have to look into a few of them for sure. Great list.

    Have a great week. - Katie

  7. I've read Moon Called - it was good- and Saga too or at least the first 5 anyway. I do like finding books with mental health representation too.

    1. Me too! So far, Made You Up was the only mental health book I've read so far.

  8. Ahh I LOVE Ms. Marvel!! She has some of the best comics i've ever read!! And Made You Up is so incredible and ajfdksad I love it. I read it like 2 years ago but I really want to reread. (Have you tried the author's second book, Eliza And Her Monsters?? It's super wonderful too! And features characters with selective mutism and anxiety.) I'm currently reading Rules of Rain which is about autism which is great. :D

    1. Awesome! I really, really, REALLY want to read Eliza and her Monsters! Adding it to my shelf!

  9. Awesome list! I love Mercy Thompson! Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Great list! I LOVED Cinder! Happy reading! :)

  11. Made You Up is one of my all-time favourite books! It's on practically all my TTT Lists!

  12. I love the Ms Marvel comics and I'm glad to see them on your list! Cinder is also really cool, and I'm looking forward to reading Made You Up :)
