
Friday, September 1, 2017

ARC August Wrap Up!

Hello everyone!  I just finished my challenge for the ARC August challenge and I'm actually surprised that I've read so many ARCs this month!  I've managed to read up to 6 ARCs this month (which is quite impressive) and even though I still got a few more ARCs to get through, I'm so happy that I've managed to get through a couple of ARCs on my shelf!  Here's the ARCs I've read during August:

2. The Little Red Wolf by Amélie Fléchais : Completed : 8/9/2017 (NETGALLEY)
3. Fowl Language: The Struggle is Real by Brian Gordon : Completed : 8/12/2017 (NETGALLEY)
5. Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin : Completed: 8/20/2017 (EDELWEISS)
6. Rabbit's Snow Day by Todd Strader : Completed: 8/18/2017 (ARC)

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