
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #51: Top 10 Best Books I've Read So Far in 2017!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Best Books I've Read So Far in 2017."  Oh man!  I've been waiting for this moment to come since I've managed to read a lot of awesome books so far this year!

So here's my top 10 Best Books I've Read So Far in 2017 (in no particular order, since that would be hard)!

1.  Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

I seriously can't believe that I waited for over 5 YEARS to finally read this book!  Where was I for the past 5 YEARS?  Anyway,  this book blew me away and I seriously need to get the rest of this series ASAP!!!

2.  Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt

I've never read any books by Elizabeth Hoyt before and this first book I had read by her is enough to get me on the Elizabeth Hoyt bandwagon pretty soon!

3.  Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

I just read "Grave Mercy" like a few years ago (a LOOOONNNNNGGGG few years ago) and after I just read the sequel to the "Grave Mercy" series "Dark Triumph," I was pumping my fist for more adventures from our favorite Lady Assassins!

4. Alice by Christina Henry

You know, with my issues about my trigger warning buttons being pushed (in this case, this book is all about RAPE), I was actually surprised that I enjoyed this book and I can't wait to check out the next book in this series!

5.  Monstress by Marjorie Liu

It's been a LOOOONNNNNGGG time since I've last read the first two issues of Marjorie Liu's PUMP FISTING, ACTION PACKED and CREATIVE series "Monstress."  But now I finally got the chance to read the rest of the issues from Volume 1 and I'm STOKED for the next volume!

6. Lio: Making Friends by Mark Tatulli

I just love the CREEPY yet HILARIOUS adventures of this weird kid who loves hanging out with monsters and creating weapons of mass destruction.  I am now on a serious "Lio" drive now!

7.  Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

Why did it take me like DECADES to get around to reading this book?  I must have been one careless little kid when I was little since I didn't read this book until just now and I didn't see how AWESOME and SWEET this book really was!

8.  The King's Stilts by Dr. Seuss

I'm a huge Dr. Seuss fan and even though I've read like over A MILLION Dr. Seuss books when I was little, I've never read this RARE LITTLE GEM until just now and I loved it to DEATH!

9.  Garfield Brings Home the Bacon by Jim Davis

You and I both know that "Garfield" was going to make this list anyway, since I'm a huge GARFIELD fan and this volume didn't disappoint me at all!

10. D.W. All Wet by Marc Brown

Another book that was going on my "BEST OF" lists anyway since I have always been a huge fan of Marc Brown's "Arthur" series and this "D.W." book is definitely an UNIQUE experience for me!


  1. Oooh I'm happy you enjoyed Throne of Glass! :)

  2. I have never seen the Dr. Seuss book, The Kings Stilts, before. I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing your list.

  3. I have never seen the Dr. Seuss book, The Kings Stilts, before. I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing your list.

  4. Nice choices! I've had Grave Mercy on my TBR for so long now, I still can't believe I haven't read it yet! I also read Throne of Glass for the first time this year! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  5. I keep checking Monstress out of the library and then never reading it before it's due back. I simply must remedy that, especially after seeing it on your list as one of your top reads. Thanks for stopping by The Farm.

  6. I *might* be thinking about trying Throne of Glass. I'm not really a big fantasy reader but I might give this one a try as I keep hearing good things about it. Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  7. Great titles! Haven't heard of Dark Triumph or Wicked Intentions. Need to check them out!

  8. Yayy that you've read some fantastic books recently! I did want to read Alice, but I didn't know it had a lot of rape in it so maaaybe not anymore. (I do like how disturbing the cover is though.) And omg I LOVE Doctor Seuss! I read it to my nephews/nieces and they're so fun. :P

    1. Awesome! Yeah, the rape scenes in Alice can get a bit too disturbing at times.

  9. I love that you have some kids titles on here!
    Grave Mercy has been on my TBR list for a while..

  10. I definitely still need to read Sarah J. Maas' books too - all of them in fact. Despite her popularity, she's an author whose books I haven't yet read... and what's worse is I own several of them. Oh, dear! :D

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

    1. You're welcome and there's a lot of popular authors I haven't read yet either!

  11. I LOVED Alice, but so very dark! And I enjoyed Throne of Glass a lot :) Great list, thank you for sharing.

  12. Monstress looks amazing! I put off the Throne of Glass series until the beginning of last year and flew through the rest of the series. They are so good! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Lit

    1. Oooh! I can't wait to check out the rest of the Throne of Glass series!

  13. Yay for Monstress! I am looking forward to the next volume as well. I have a copy of I Love You Forever, but I haven't read it yet. Great list, Ronyell! Have a great weekend!
