
Friday, June 9, 2017

Book Blogger Hop #22: June 9th - June 15th

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

This week's question is submitted by Kitty @ Vicarious Bookworm!

If you could have lunch with any living authors and/or book bloggers, who would you choose and why?

For living authors, I would love to have lunch with Neil Gaiman and Sarah J. Maas! I would talk to them about how they got the ideas for their books and if they are writing anymore books in the near future!  For book bloggers, I would love to meet Kimba from Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Cait from Paper Fury!  They seem like really fun people to hang out with and I would love to have some coffee with them someday!


  1. I think Cait would be absolutely awesome to meet! :)

  2. Neil Gaiman is an author I would really like to meet as well. He seems like an all around good person. I haven't read anything by Maas and don't know much about her. I'm sure she's a good choice too! I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I know Neil Gaiman but not Sarah Maas.

    Meeting other bloggers is the BEST. Loved when I met a few at the BEA.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  4. Ohh great picks I need too check out the book bloggers you mention, and I would love to have launch with the two authors you pick as well because I absolutely love there books. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop. Have a great weekend and happing blog hopping my friend.

  5. I would DEFINITELY LOVE to meet Neil Gaiman!! Although I haven't read any of his books (yet), I know I would really enjoy having lunch with him, since he writes fantasy. Also, since I'm not that familiar with his work, I wouldn't be that star-struck, either, lol.

    I've only read one of Sarah J. Maas's books -- "A Court of Thorns and Roses". I was somewhat disappointed by it, so I wouldn't be interested in meeting her.

    As for the two bloggers you've mentioned, I know Kimba. Gee, I haven't been over to her blog for a while. She would be a very nice, fun person to have lunch with. I will go check out Cait's blog, as I have never heard of it before.

    Thanks for sharing! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! <3 <3 :) :)
