
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Bout of Books (19) Wrap Up!

Hello everyone! Here's my wrap up post for the 19th annual Bout of Books Readathon!  Even though I didn't finish the book I was reading "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Maas, I still got a kick out of reading through this book that has been on my shelf for many years and I 'm still kicking myself for not reading this book sooner!  Let's hope I do better on the next Bout of Books readathon!

Day 1 (Monday, May 8, 2017)

Books Read: 0

Pages Read: 0

Total Pages Read: 0

Notes:  I hadn't actually gotten a chance to read "Throne of Glass" for today, but I will tomorrow!

Challenge: Introduce Yourself #insixwords

Day 2 (Tuesday, May 9, 2017)

Books Read:  1 (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read:  12 pages (pages 36-48)

Total Pages Read: 12

Notes:  YAY! I finally dived back into "Throne of Glass!"  This is actually less pages than I thought I was going to read, but hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow!

Challenge:  Not a Font: Share a book cover where illustrations are part of the typography for the title.

Day 3 (Wednesday, May 10, 2017)

Books Read: 1 (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read: 22 pages (pages 48 - 70)

Total Pages Read: 34 pages

Notes:  Yay! I actually got much further today than yesterday, although I still wanted to read up to 100 pages a day, but this book is really getting good and I can't wait to see more adventures of Celeana! 

Challenge: Share Your Shelfie

Share a picture of your books/shelves/nightstand/e-library/wherever you keep your books on Twitter, Instagram, or on this post. Use the hashtags #boutofbooks and #shelfie4boutofbooks

Day 4 (Thursday, May 11, 2017)

Books Read: (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read: 3 pages (pages 70 - 73)

Total Pages Read: 37 pages

Notes:  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read as many pages today as I wanted since I fell asleep as soon as I got home, but hopefully I'll be able to read more tomorrow!

Challenge: Character Dating Profile

Create a dating profile for your favourite literary character. Where are they from? What are they looking for? What are their likes and dislikes?

Day 5 (Friday, May 12, 2017)

Books Read: 1 (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read: 7 pages (pages 73 - 80)

Total Pages Read: 44 pages

Notes:  A bit more today, but I still haven't read over 100 pages from this book yet.

Challenge: Book Spine Rainbow

 Take a selection of your favorite book spines to make a rainbow! Share on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #bookspinerainbow and #boutofbooks, or share your picture in the comments below!

Day 6 (Saturday, May 13, 2017)

Books Read: (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read: 50 pages (pages 80 - 130)

Notes: YAY!!! This is like the highest number of pages I had read from this book and this book just continues to get even more interesting!

Total Pages Read: 94 pages

Challenge: Seasons of Books

Choose 4 books, each representing a different season. Spring, summer, winter, and autumn. What was your reason for choosing each book? Color of the cover, title, character attitude, setting, or overall theme/feeling of the work? Share your selections on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #seasonsofbooks and #boutofbooks, or share your selections in the comments below!

Day 7 (Sunday, May 14, 2017)

Books Read: (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

Pages Read: 20 pages (pages 130- 150)

Total Pages Read:  114 pages

Notes: Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish this book for this readathon, but at least I was able to make it farther into this book and I really enjoyed the challenge of reading through the books I needed to read in the first place!

Challenge: No challenge -- squeeze in a few extra minutes of reading!