
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #49: Top 10 Most Unique Books I've Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Unique Books I have Read" and I got to give out some love to the books that I felt were different and AWESOME from the rest!

So here's my top 10 Most Unique Books I've Read (in no particular order)!

1.  The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

An AWESTACTULAR book from Neil Gaiman that was quite unusual from the usual fantasy fare (monsters made out of paper, another world)?

2.  Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Think of Alice in Wonderland meets any kind of horror movie you can think of.  How ORIGINAL is that?!

3.  Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Another "Alice in Wonderland" retelling that takes a turn for the dark and horrifying!  Definitely WORTH IT!

4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Whoever thought I would see a book about MONSTERS and ANGELS living in the same universe together?

5.  Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Seriously?!  Whoever thought that the day would come where we have a book that stars a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG WIZARDS?  AMAZING!! 

6. Unearthly Series by Cynthia Hand

I've read paranormal series about vampires and monsters, but ANGELS?  Not on your life!

7.  Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout 

ALIENS!!!! Who would have thought that there would be a paranormal romance series about ALIENS!?

8.  The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis 

Now this is one romance novel that had a pretty dark twist that I didn't see coming!

9.  The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

A book that takes place in a graveyard?  COUNT ME IN!

10. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I've rarely read books that deal with cancer or have the main character be a cancer patient. It was AWESOME as well as HEARTBREAKING at the same time!


  1. I loved TFIOS. I thought it was so smart and honest and yes, a total sobfest. I wish John Green would write more books. I couldn't get through Obsidian. It felt too much like a Twilight knock-off. I did like that the M/C was a book blogger though!!

    1. Yeah, TFIOS was a really sad book to read, but I still loved it!

  2. Ooh, I love all the Neil Gaiman on this list! And I TOTALLY agree that his books are always super unique and lovely.😍 I adore the Graveyard Book and also Good Omens!! That was so weird and hilarious. πŸ˜‚

  3. Neil Gaiman is awesome! I've only read a couple of his middle grade books (The Graveyard Book and Fortunately, the Milk), but I have loved them. I keep trying to convince myself to read his books for adults. One day!

    1. I really enjoyed his adult books! I want to read his latest adult book Norse Mythology someday!

  4. I've only just heard of Laini Taylor the other day. I really have to pick up something by her soon!

  5. Love DOSAB!! Ah I need to get on the Neil Gaiman bandwagon!

  6. Love Harry Potter!
    My TTT:

  7. I've not read any of Neil's books, but they sure do sound unique! Oh, and The Fault in our Stars is a really unique contemporary read for my reader back list too. Forgot about that one. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  8. Awesome list! I'm a sucker for anything by Neil Gaiman. He tells such wonderful stories!!

  9. I loved the Lux series and I totally didn't think to add it but year I think it was my first alien book.

  10. Good list! I really liked the Graveyard Book :)

  11. Love all the Gaiman love here! :)
    Lauren @ Always Me

  12. Lovely list and a few on my TBR that you're nudging back to my attention! I need to read the Lux series and DoSaB soon!

  13. So agree on DoSaB! That book is so fantastic and so different.
