
Thursday, April 13, 2017

☀Daily Book Chat #8: ☀ Bookstagram...Do you love taking photos of your books?

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my  ☀Daily Book Chat☀ where I do some SERIOUS discussions that fellow book fans will get a kick out of and relate their thoughts about the subject to other book fans!

Today's discussion question is"Bookstagram...Do you love taking photos of your books?" of the newest fads that has swept the internet and has become quite popular with many BOOK FANS!

So, since I am talking about Instagram here, why am I bringing up Instagram in a book conversation?   Well, if you have been following Instagram lately, you will notice that there are many book fans who love to show off their bookshelves and the various books they have won or bought for the world to see!  I happened to be one of those BOOK FANS who loves to take pictures of the books I got or won in a giveaway and I have to say that the inner CREATIVE and INSPIRING girl inside of me wants to show off my glorious book collection to the world!

I think Bookstagram (Instgram + Books = Bookstagram) is an AWESOME way to show the world your own book collection and also show the world that you are the world's number 1 book lover!

So, here's the question:  Do you enjoy taking photos of your books?

As always, fellow book bloggers, I'm eager to hear your opinions and as always:



  1. I think bookstagram is fantastic and I am constantly in awe of people's photo taking skills :D I wish I was better at it though haha. Great post!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. I'm not on a bookstagramming level by any means, but I do enjoy taking pictures of my signed books on my bookcase.

  3. I love looking at other people's Bookstagram pictures, but mine aren't that great. They're okay, but definitely not great. Oh well!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Mine's aren't that great compared to other bookstagrammers, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of looking at other people's book photos!
