
Friday, April 21, 2017

Book Blogger Hop #21: April 21st - April 27th

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

This week's question is submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books!

Would you stop reading a book if an element of the plot strongly clashed with your personal beliefs, or would you continue reading until you finished the book?

I usually try to continue reading the book, even if there is an element in the book that disturbs me or clashes with my personal beliefs.  I've read a dozen books that dealt with rape, child abuse and suggestive themes, but I still continued reading the book afterwards despite all that.  Usually, if the book was interesting, despite having all those themes, then I would still rate the book highly, although I would give out a warning about those themes. If the constant disturbing themes persist throughout the book and it ruined my enjoyment of the book, then I would rate the book low.


  1. Great post! I also try to push through a book if it is a "tough read" because of the content. But some topics are just too much. In that case, I would bail on the book :)

    1. Yeah, I probably would bail too if the book is too much to handle.

  2. Great answer! I also tend to push through - mostly just so that I can rant and rave afterwards!! I don't easily put a book down (or throw it against the wall), but if it is toooooo morality offense, I will!

    Here's my Friday Meets:

    1. It's usually hard for me to put a book down even if I don't like the content since I feel obliged to finish the book no matter what.

  3. Great answer I do read dark book as well but not over the top dark or taboo books which I list on my blog hop which plotlines and concepts I don't read in books. Have a great weekend and happy hopping!

    Here is my blog hop answer:

  4. Good answer...thanks for sharing.

    I have stopped reading and wrote to two authors who were demeaning/debasing women. No way could I continue with that theme.

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. I think as long as the themes you mention are done well and sensitively then they are fine for themes. I would read through too.

  6. Great answer! I like your comment about including topic warnings even if you enjoyed the book. For the most part it depends on how the topic is handled and if I'm enjoying the book as a whole.

    1. Yeah, as long as the topic is handled carefully, I'm okay with continuing with the book.

  7. I think learning about beliefs different from your own is one of the joys of reading.

  8. I really like the idea of alerting the reader to any dark themes the book may have.

    I can usually read books with violent themes. The only books that get me every time are those with odd religious traditions. I just can't do it.

    1. I sometimes have problems with books that push their political and religious views a little too hard. I don't mind reading them, but if it gets to the point that the book is preaching that there is only one way of thinking about life in general, then it makes it hard for me to read the book.

  9. What a great answer, Ronyell. I'm afraid I rambled on a bit with my response. LOL Sometimes books deal with difficult topics to read about, but, for me, so much depends on the the presentation of the subject matter.

  10. Great answer. For me, it depends on why I'm reading the book whether or not I persist. Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blogger Hop Answer:

  11. See, about a year or two ago, I probably would have just stopped reading the book if those kinds of disturbing things persisted to the point of either triggering something in me or just angering me to the point of being irrational. I figured, why do I need that in my life, when I'm actually reading for enjoyment to escape that kind of drama?

    Now, I'm pretty much open to just about anything, and I love seeking out books that have been given low recommendations or stars, because I want to see what all of the controversy is about. :)

    Stopping by your blog and really enjoyed what I see, so I'm definitely following you. Looking forward to seeing more discussions.

    Suz @ Bookish Revelations
