
Friday, March 31, 2017

Book Blogger Hop #19: March 31st - April 6th

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

  This week's question is submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews!  

Do you visit every listed blog in the linky list when you are participating in a meme?

I usually try to visit every blog on a book meme with a linky list, but when it comes to book memes that have a lot of participants such as The Sunday Post and Top Ten Tuesday, I can only get through some of the blogs since it would take me all day to get through all of the blogs on the list.  But, I usually would try again the next day to get to the rest of the bloggers on the linky list.


  1. Yeah, some are so popular, it would be impossible to visit all the participants.

    1. Yeah, I would love to visit all the blogs on the popular ones, but it can be so hard to do!

  2. One or two times last year I did go through the entire Sunday Post linky and visit everyone. It took all day. Trying to do that for Top Ten Tuesday would take two weeks!

    1. Yeah! It's like Top Ten Tuesdays is the most popular book meme!

  3. On small memes like this one I comment on everyone. On larger ones like The Sunday Post, I visit as many as I can and comment, but I try to cluck through to everyone's, so they at least get a blog hit. :)

  4. Yeah, I find it hard to get to ALL of the participating blogs, if a meme has a LOT of them! It's just impossible! I like your strategy -- you visit some of the blogs on the day the meme is published, and the rest the next day. Sounds good!

    At this point, I simply wait for meme participants to visit my blog, and comment on my post, first. I've been disappointed too many times by bloggers whose blogs I've visited first, and commented on, only to have them NOT come to mine to comment back.

    Thanks for sharing, and for your visit and comment on my BBH post!! Have an AWESOME weekend!! <3 <3 :) :)

  5. I agree that it's really hard to get through all the posts that are submitted. I tend to forget that Book Blogger Hop is a week long event especially since I try getting it out the beginning of the weekend.

    1. I forget about that too! Maybe it would be less stressful for me if I remember that some book memes are week long events!

  6. The lists can sure get out of hand very quickly!

  7. I always visit every link in the Blog Hop list and have gone through about 100+ at times on other linky lists.

    Even though I feel the need to visit every blog in the HUGE lists, I don't always get to them or just take a look and don't comment.

    Great answer!!

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. I can't manage all of them on some of the bigger memes, but on the smaller ones, I more often than not try. There are times though when I can't even manage that though. I at least try to reciprocate visits on the blogs of those who visited me.

    I hope you have a great week!
