
Sunday, February 12, 2017

☀Daily Book Chat #3:☀ Reading Slumps...YUCK!...How do you get out of them?

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my  ☀Daily Book Chat☀ where I do some SERIOUS discussions that fellow book fans will get a kick out of and relate their thoughts about the subject to other book fans!

Today's discussion question is "Reading Slumps...YUCK!...How do you get out of them?"

Reading slumps should I put this?

Well, they can be a pain to go through, especially if you love reading books as much as I do and you want to continue to read whatever the heck you want FOREVER!

But, there are times where you find yourself in a slump and you just don't feel like reading any kind of book (*GASP!* She said you don't feel like reading a book!  Is it the END OF THE WORLD as we know it!?).  It could be because life gets in the way and you just don't have the time to read books or it could be because you're not sure what to read next and that causes you to hold off on reading until you find the right book to read.

So, now that you fell into the pit that is called a "Reading Slump," how do you get yourself out of it?

Well, from experience, I have often fallen into the pit of the "Reading Slump" and one of the ways I was able to climb out of that slump was to actually prioritize when I should start reading.  Whenever life gets too busy for you (and I should know since I have a job that takes up a lot of my reading time), the best thing to do is to pick a day or time when you are not really that busy and try to read as much as you can during that time.  For me, since I work almost every day, I have decided to take a book with me to work and read during my lunch break so that way I can read at least a couple of pages from my book, therefore allowing me to get some extra reading time in during the day.  Also, whenever I finally get home for some long needed relaxation, I try to take the time and read even more pages from my book since I am not working that day and I have all the time in the world to read my favorite book!

Another way I was able to get out of the reading slump was to create a TBR list (or bucket if we want to get more creative)!  Now, I will admit that I was a bit skeptical about creating a TBR list because I'm one of those people who just chooses a book depending on what I'm in the mood for.  But then I later on realize that making a TBR list will allow you to find that perfect book that you wanted to read, but you weren't sure if it's right for you and also give you lots of options to pick from when choosing that perfect book to read!

So, that's my sound advice to any book fan who has fallen into the dreaded "Reading Slump" pit and wants to find a way to escape that pit to read the books they love for LIFE!



  1. I have to confess that I very rarely go through true reading slumps. I generally don't go more than a few days without reading (and that's a slump to me). But my TBR is definitely the place to go when I'm not sure what to read next!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I agree! It's always nice to have a TBR list around to help you get a sense of what you want to read next!

  2. Slumps can be tough. For me a lot of times it takes just finding that next book that really works. But luckily like Nicole said I don't have the that often (thank goodness)!

    1. Yeah! It's to not fall into a reading slump that often! You get to get a lot of reading done!

  3. TBRs help me a lot. I recently made a spreadsheet where I split the books into categories like for tours, for authors, my ebooks, etc. I picked 5 books for each category. I'm not allowing myself to add any more to this list until I get those done. My friend is making something similar and we are going to keep on one another to get them done.

    Jen @ Books that Hook

  4. Thank you for your tips on getting over a reading slump. I find that dedicating a reading day also helpful, I usually read on weekends. Making a TBR does not work for me tho because I get super sad when I cannot follow on my list.

    1. I usually have like a TBR list for books that I want to read in the following years, but I rarely do monthly TBRs because I almost never read the books on my TBR pile for that month.

  5. Good advice, Ronyell! Luckily I haven't been in a slump for a while, but my method is definitely the TBR list. It narrows down the choices of books I can read, but there's still enough that I don't feel restricted.
