
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2017 Bookish Resolutions Challenge Sign Up Post!

Hey everyone! Because Reading is hosting a new reading challenge called "Book Resolutions" and here's some resolutions I'm planning on completing this year!

 Reading Goals:

1. Get my NetGalley percentage up to 80%.
2. Read up to 10 books per month.
3. Read 5 classics for the year.
4.  Join in at least 3 read-a-thons.
5. Read up to 10 books from my TBR pile.
6. Complete at least 5 reading challenges this year.
Blogging Goals:
1. Write up at least 3 reviews a week.
2. Make spreadsheets and pie graphs for reading statistics.
3. Comment on other people's blogs (excluding book memes).
4.  Join in 3 more new book memes.
5. Obtain at least 50 participants for the "Book Photo Sundays" book meme.
6. Find 3 new blogs for 2017.  
Personal Goals:
1. Lose up to 50 lbs by the end of 2017.
2. Eat more salads.
3. Travel more. 
4. Start working more on craft projects (cross-stitching, latch hooking, coloring books)
5. Clean up house.
6. Exercise at least 30 minutes every 4 days a week. 


  1. I'm with you on the losing weight and sorting out the house. My house is untidy with stuff piled everywhere and we need to get it tidied but motivating my dad to do anything is getting more difficult! I'd like to produce all those cool graphs and charts but I wouldn't have a clue where to start with it!

    1. We're also having trouble with getting our dad to help out at the house! But hopefully we can keep the house clean til the end of the year!

  2. Such wonderful goals and I wish you well with the nitty gritty daily work to achieve them. All the best. Look forward to hearing how you go.
