
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #32: (REWIND) Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

So today's Top Ten Tuesday is a rewind of a past TTT post that you haven't done yet or you have done before, but you wanted to do it again and I've picked my "Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs" since I haven't done that one yet.

So here's my top 10 favorite book blogs (in no particular order).

1.  It's All About Books

This is seriously one of the most organized book blogs I had ever seen and I loved the way that Yvo had organized the book challenges and her book reviews as it made me really want to read more books to add to my collection!

2.  Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This blog is so beautiful and not only do I love the book reviews, but I enjoyed the Sunday Post memes and the posts about food recipes that you can make at home!

3.  The Nocturnal Library

Such a gorgeous blog and I loved the book reviews that are posted on the blog!

4.  The Book Geek

Emily May and the other co bloggers have all done an excellent job at giving out well informed reviews on books they've reviewed!

5.  Happy Indulgence

Such an innovated book site where Jeann and the other co bloggers get involved in book activities around the world and also have booktube videos that deal with their book loving activities!

6.  The Biblosanctum

Another well organized book blog that gleefully engages in graphic novels as well as science fiction novels that are worth reading!

7.  Please Feed the Bookworm

Such a cute and creative looking book blog that I've always enjoyed looking at over and over again!

8.  Ali's Bookshelf

Another creative book blog that really engages the magical world of books!

9.  For the Love of Words

Bonnie has done an excellent job at not only doing informative reviews, but also allowing fellow book readers to see what is coming up next for new book releases!

10.  Jackie's Book World


Another creative book blog done by Jackie that engages in many blog tours and book memes!

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2016.