
Monday, August 8, 2016

Cover Characteristic #6: Smiley Face

Hey everyone! This is a meme that was created by the folks over at Sugar and Snark called "Cover Characteristic" and here are the rules for this meme:

Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5 favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in Linky (so we can visit). You don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!

This week's theme is: SMILEY FACE!

1.  Sisters by Raina Telgemeier:  This is my cover of the week as it's so hilarious and cute having two smiley faces having different personalities.
2.  Happyface by Stephen Emond:  I just love this edgy version of the classic smiley face!
3.  Suck It Up by Brian Meehl: This is such a cool cover with the smiley face sucking up blood!  It reminded me a bit of that sketch in "MAD TV" where the Wal-Mart smiley face was some kind of an assassin!
4. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: This has often showed up on a lot of blogger's picks and it definitely does look intense!
5.  Watchmen by Alan Moore: The classic blood stain on a smiley face always got me whenever I thought about "Watchmen!"

Next Week's Theme:



  1. I like Sisters and Suck It Up, although the Watchmen one isn't bad either. Nice picks!

  2. Lol that cover of Happyface!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
