
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WWW Wednesdays #9: July 20, 2016

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at Should be Reading and revived here on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses. Please, take some time to visit the other participants and see what others are reading. So, let’s get to it!

After hearing so many good things about this book, I've decided to go ahead and give this book a try!




I just finished reading this book and I was quite shocked and surprised by how this book turned out!  I wish I could go into more detail about this book, but I can't without spoiling too many things.  But I will say that this is probably one of the best deconstructions of romance I have ever read!



I've really enjoyed "Grave Mercy" and I just had to pick up the sequel to this book!

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