
Thursday, May 19, 2016

My New TBR Jar!

Hello everyone! I was so inspired by this post by It's All About Books that I just had to make a TBR jar of my own!  I have decided to separate my TBR books by the reading levels:

  • RED: Adult
  • BLUE: Young Adult // Teens
  • YELLOW: Middle School // Older Children's
  • GREEN: Children's // Picture Books
  • PURPLE: Graphic Novels // Comics 


  • Draw from the jar at an random pace.  I could just pick out a book from the TBR jar that makes me more interested to read and then I will work my way through there.
  • I have the entire year to finish this jar, so there's really no need to rush through this.  Just read all the titles that's in the TBR jar within one year!
  • HAVE FUN! This is really important! Since I'm participating in a lot of challenges this year anyway, this will allow me to have more fun reading this year!

Here's a list of books that I'm planning on reading for my TBR jar:

Are you planning on making a TBR jar for yourself?  Please feel free to comment below!


  1. This is such a great idea and awesome way to stay organized! Kudos to you for doing this!

    I'd be tempted to make my own, but I've tried TBR jars before and...they don't work out well for me. I always get frustrated with the options I pick and choose other things instead. XD I guess TBRs just aren't for me in general.

    1. Thanks! I will admit, TBR Jars can be frustrating, especially if you wanted to read another genre aside from the genre that you chose from the jar.
