
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #25: Top 10 Bookish Resolutions I Have For 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

So today’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is top 10 Bookish Resolutions I Have for 2016!

So, here's my top 10 Bookish Resolutions I Have for 2016 (in no particular order).

1.  Read up to 100 books: 

I had failed in reaching this goal last year, so this year, I will make it my goal to read up to 100 books!

2. Read new genres:

I have been reading mainly fantasy and romance titles for awhile now, so I will try to venture into other genres such as science fiction, mystery and classics.

3. Comment on other book blogs: 

Even though I have been visiting other book blogs, I haven't been able to respond to each discussion on other book blogs, so I will try to do that a bit more often.

4. Join in more book challenges: 

Even though I had joined in a lot of challenges last year, I had basically been joining in the same challenges. So I will be branching out to different challenges this year, starting with doing the reading challenge "Bout of Books!"

5. Finish at least 3 book challenges: 

I've only managed to finish one book challenge last year, so this year I will try to complete at least 3 book challenges for this year!

6. Start posting everyday:

This was a task that I often had trouble doing, so I'm going to start posting everyday to keep my blog relevant.

7. Participate in bookish events: 

If there is a blog tour or a book blitz that is going on, I'm definitely going to participate in them so that I could meet up with new authors!

8. Stop stressing out about blogging:  

If I don't post up anything or don't complete a challenge, then I should be happy that I at least tried to complete each task.

9.  Check out new book blogs:

I love seeing new blogs about books, so I will definitely surf around the internet to find new book blogs!

10. Read more classics:

I haven't been reading many classic books like "A Christmas Carol," "Frankenstein" and "Dracula," so I'm making it my goal to read more classics!

Posted on Tuesday, January 5, 2016


  1. Hi Ronyell! Had a hard time finding your Bout of Books update post. Hope you were able to sign up in time! =)

    1. Hello! My Bout of Books updates are on my reading challenges page on the top of the tabs, although I'll soon make a post of my updates for the entire week once Bout of Books wraps up!

  2. Good luck to you in completing all your resolutions!
    My TTT:

  3. I really want to visit other blogs and comment more this year. It's one of my top goals!
