
Friday, December 25, 2015

Feature and Follow Friday #25: Merry Christmas Everyone!

The Feature and Follow Friday Meme isHOSTED by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and basically what this meme is all about is that you get to new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogging Community by following eachBLOGGER!  All you have to do is leave your name and your blog name on the post on the main Feature and Follow Friday Meme page and then create your own post on Feature and Follow Friday and link back to the main page and then you visit as many blogs as you want and you tell the other bloggers "hi!" in their comments (on the post that has the Feature and Follow Friday Image). You follow that blogger and they follow you back!  Just make sure to follow back if that blogger follows you back!

Hey everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone!  So, Christmas was today and I have to tell you that I had a wonderful time today!  I got so many great presents from my family including the Avengers: Age of Ultron DVD, Inside Out DVD and the  Ant Man DVD! I'm definitely planning on watching all of those DVDs as soon as possible, while enjoying some time off from work!  So, how was everyone else's holidays? Did you get great gifts?  Please comment below!

Question of the Week: What was the best Christmas (or other holiday) gift you ever received? - Suggested by Alison Can Read

Ooh boy, I had a lot of great gifts over the years, but probably some of the best gifts I've ever received were a Barnes and Nobles gift card, the Ant Man movie on DVD and Avengers: Age of Ultron on DVD!


  1. Marvel and books, there's an awesome combo! :-D I'm glad you've had a wonderful Christmas. Bloglovin' follower.

    My FF!

  2. Oohh those are wonderful presents! :)
    Happy holidays!
    New follower via GFC :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

  3. Isn't it exciting when we get something we've wanted? And giftcards are always a good gift - you can pick out exactly what you want! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  4. You can't go wrong with Marvel and Books!

    My FF:

  5. Transformer movies showed up here for Christmas but that was more for the boys-I got a book and couldn't be happier! :-)

  6. Yeah, those are pretty fantastic! Old blogin' follower! Thanks for stopping by! Late Merry Christmas! Happy reading!

  7. You can never go wrong with a gift card! I LOVE getting those the most, because then I get to do the one thing I love the best, which is pick out my own books! <3

    Thanks for stopping by my blog..
    New follow here :)
