
Friday, October 16, 2015

Feature and Follow Friday #20: Things are Back to Normal...

The Feature and Follow Friday Meme isHOSTED by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and basically what this meme is all about is that you get to new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogging Community by following eachBLOGGER!  All you have to do is leave your name and your blog name on the post on the main Feature and Follow Friday Meme page and then create your own post on Feature and Follow Friday and link back to the main page and then you visit as many blogs as you want and you tell the other bloggers "hi!" in their comments (on the post that has the Feature and Follow Friday Image). You follow that blogger and they follow you back!  Just make sure to follow back if that blogger follows you back!

Well fellow bloggers, after the terror that was unleashed on South Carolina last week, things are starting to get back to normal in South Carolina and business at my new job is starting to go back to normal also.  I am also trying to keep up with my Blog Ahead challenge, even though I don't necessarily have to reach my goal of 33 posts by the end of this month (although that would be fantastic)!

Question of the Week: If you could have any super power, what would it be? - Suggested by Jess Time to Read

I would love to have the power to fly.  I have always wanted to be able to fly through the sky so that way, I could avoid traffic jams on the roads whenever I get to work and be able to see the world from a bird's eye of view!



  1. It's my first time doing an FF post!! I think flying would be really cool!! But there are so many superpowers i'd like to have!

    I'm a new follower on GFC :)

    Yuki -

  2. Being able to fly would be awesome! I picked the power to heal myself and others. I am a follower via Bloglovin. Please check out my blog at:
