
Friday, October 9, 2015

Feature and Follow Friday #19: In the Aftermath of the Flood

The Feature and Follow Friday Meme isHOSTED by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and basically what this meme is all about is that you get to new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogging Community by following eachBLOGGER!  All you have to do is leave your name and your blog name on the post on the main Feature and Follow Friday Meme page and then create your own post on Feature and Follow Friday and link back to the main page and then you visit as many blogs as you want and you tell the other bloggers "hi!" in their comments (on the post that has the Feature and Follow Friday Image). You follow that blogger and they follow you back!  Just make sure to follow back if that blogger follows you back!

Hey everyone!  This week has been pretty hectic for me since we had a flooding in South Carolina and almost all the roads and bridges were flooded with water.  I have been wondering for awhile why we keep getting so many rain storms where I lived and to have it eventually lead up to flooding our city was seriously shocking.  But luckily, everything had turned out alright for us since we didn't get hit with the flooding as hard as some other areas in South Carolina and the power in our house is still going strong!  I do pray for the people who had lost everything in the flood and I hope that everything turns out alright for them.

Question of the Week: Name a book you hated - Suggested by Bookish Findings


I could never get into Margo Lanagan's Black Juice.  It didn't make a lot of sense to me and I just couldn't get into the short stories in that book. This is also the only young adult book I know of where I gave it a 2 star rating.


  1. I've struggled with Margo Lanagan's writing too. Her books are definitely kind of love or hate. I'm sorry to hear about the flooding, that's terrible. I'm glad you and yours are safe. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    1. You're welcome and I'm glad that everyone is safe in the flooding too!

  2. Have not heard of this book before so thanks for the heads up, I think I'll avoid it from now on.

    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier. Old follower :)

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  3. I don't think I ever heard of this book but sounds like something I would hate too!

    New follower :)

    HannahCassie @
