
Friday, May 8, 2015

Feature and Follow Friday #8: May Beginnings!

The Feature and Follow Friday Meme is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and basically what this meme is all about is that you get to new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogging Community by following each blogger!  All you have to do is leave your name and your blog name on the post on the main Feature and Follow Friday Meme page and then create your own post on Feature and Follow Friday and link back to the main page and then you visit as many blogs as you want and you tell the other bloggers "hi!" in their comments (on the post that has the Feature and Follow Friday Image). You follow that blogger and they follow you back!  Just make sure to follow back if that blogger follows you back!

Well, it's the beginning of May and things are starting to get better for me at my new job at Dollar General.  I'm starting to get everything that I need to do for this job and I just need to perfect the rules and the cashiering to make this job worth getting through (I just really hope I can get through this job)As for reading, I'm starting to get back into reading, now reading Rachel Hartman's Seraphina book!

Question of the Week: How do you decide what books to read? - Suggested by So Many Books, So Little Time

I decide what books to read based on these two factors:

1)  Recommendations from my book friends:  if my book friends recommended me a book that they really enjoyed and they think that I might like it, then I am more than likely to give that book a try since my book friends also liked that book.

2)  Depending on my mood:  I also choose books depending on what mood I am in.  If I am in a happy mood, then I am more likely to read romance novels and if I want to read books that quick and enjoyable, then I read graphic novels and picture books.

How about you? How do you decide what books to read?

Please feel free to comment!



  1. I tend to rely on my friend’s recommendations too; although lately, I have been the only one suggesting books ha ha! I’m glad to hear that you are beginning to get settled in the new job Ronyell; wishing you a lovely weekend!

    Claudia @ My Soul Called Life

  2. ooh a mood reader :) I am kind of similar. It more the synopsis that what attracts me to a book.

    New follower :D maura @
