
Saturday, January 31, 2015

[BOOK REVIEW] Old Black Fly by Jim Aylesworth

Title:  Old Black Fly

Author:  Jim Aylesworth

Artist:  Stephen Gammell

Genre: Insects / Humor / Poetry / Family

Year Published:1992

Year Read:  2015

Publisher: Henry Holt and Company

Source:  Library

Content Warning:  Ages 3+ (Some Bizarre Imagery)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

So, this review will be special since the majority of this book is told through rhyming.  So I will give out my thoughts on this book in a simple rhyming scheme!

Old Black Fly’s been buzzing around,
Buzzing around, buzzing around.
Old Black Fly’s been buzzing around,
And he’s had a very busy bad day.

He buzzed through the pie crust and bothered the baby,
He also bothered the dog and got in the honey,
He bothered the older sister and he bothered the cat,
Is he going to get it, well imagine that!

I really enjoyed this picture book,
It is definitely worth taking a look.
Jim Aylesworth’s writing is witty and fun,
You will learn the alphabet once you are done.
The story is told through the alphabet,
Of the fly’s escapades, you can bet!
Imagine being bothered by a pesky fly,
Why I could just really up and die!
Stephen Gammell’s artwork is simply creative and messy,
The images of the fly flying through everything, oh bless me!
I loved the messy streak that the fly leaves behind,
In his chaotic rampage through the house that puts you in a bind!
The characters look so crazy, it is insane!
The colorings of the artwork will flow in your brain!

So go and pick up “Old Black Fly,”
It is truly fantastic, I will not lie!
If you are a fan of the weird and crazy,
Then this book is right up your alley!
Recommended for children ages three and up,
This book is harmless as a little pup!

 * 1993 Minnesota Book Award for Younger Children

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