
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #2: My Top 10 Bookish Confessions!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

So today’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is my top 10 bookish confessions, which pretty much covers my inner secrets about how I enjoy reading or how I have some personal peeves regarding reading!

So, here's my top 10 Bookish Confessions (in no particular order)!

1. Most of the books I've read came from the library:

To be honest, most of the books I have been reading lately have come from the library.  It seems like ever since the Barnes and Nobles Bookstore that I lived close to had closed down, I have been reading many books from the library rather than buying them like I used to.  Now, there are some perks to this such as me being able to save money from buying so many books and I get to select which books I like and which books I hated without having to waste my money on books that I didn't like!

2. I usually read the books first before I watch the movies they are adapting the book into:

Every day, books are being turned into movies, which is not really a bad thing at all.  However, if I find out that a series was based off a book series, then I usually make it my goal to read the book first before I watch the movie because I want to see how well the movie can adapt the material from the book while trying out their own thing with the book series.

3. I like to collect comic books in trades rather than in single issues:

Whenever a comic book series goes into a story arc, I like to buy the comic book series in trades rather than single issues because sometimes you have to wait a whole month before you find out what happens in the story line next, while with trades, you can find out what happens in the story line in a matter of seconds!  However, I still do buy single issues on a daily basis, especially if it's a comic book series like "Looney Tunes" or the "Archie" comics that rarely get into story arcs.

4.  I love reading unknown books:

I usually love reading books that the public are not aware of since I find them to be extremely interesting and their obscurity just makes me even more curious about the content found in the books!  Now, don't get me wrong, I still read popular books, but I'm always willing to check out an unknown book every now and then!

5.  I like to review every book I've read:

I just love to review everything and books are probably my most favorite things to review!  Every time I read a book, I always want to provide a review about why I liked or hated that book. I always felt that just giving a book a star rating is not enough to explain to every other reader about why you enjoyed or hated that book and it could get very hard to recommend that book without a proper reason about why you loved or hated that book.

6. I still don't have a nook or e-reader (at this moment anyway):

Even though I'm constantly on the internet and even though I own a laptop and a cell phone, I still haven't been able to own an e-reader or a nook!  It's not that I hate reading books on electronic devices, but I just haven't gotten the time to buy these book electronics and I'm still used to reading books in hard copy, which leads to my next confession.

7. I love reading books in their original format rather than electronically:

I still to this very day enjoy holding a solid book in my hands since I enjoy looking at the covers and I love to look through the pages and feel them on my hands! I have nothing against e-readers or nooks, but I always love holding a book in my hand and just admiring its contents and texture!

8.  I like to take pictures of myself with a book in hand or take pictures of my book collections:

I will admit that I just recently gotten into the phase of taking pictures of myself while reading a particularly good book.  I always love to show off my book collections and me reading a good book because I like to see other people's reactions on my love for reading and it's always a fun thing for me to do!

9.  I'm infatuated with book quotes:

I just love looking at various book quotes that is either a quote from a book or a quote from an author or fellow readers that describe how great reading is.  They always help motivate me into reading more books and showing my love for reading!

10.  My main goal is to read over 1,000,000 books!

I have this big time goal and it's to read over one million books!  Since there are new books being made every decade (and I hope that books continued to be made in the near future), hopefully, this goal will be a cinch to get through!

 So, what are you top 10 bookish confessions?  Answer in the comments below!

Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2014


  1. I have a kindle, but I refuse to read books electronically. I feel the same way! I just want to be holding the solid book in my hands. And sometimes.... I like to feel it's velvety soft cover if that sounds weird lol. These confessions are so true to most readers and writers alike!

    1. Thanks!!! I'm glad that most readers felt this way! I agree about buying a kindle, but there's nothing like holding a book in your hands and marvel at its cover and pages! :D
