
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

[BOOK REVIEW] Arthur's Eyes by Marc Brown

Title:  Arthur's Eyes

Author:  Marc Brown

Genre: Animals / Bullying / Glasses / Humor / School

Year Published: 1979

Year Read:  1991

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Source:  Library

Content Rating:  Ages 4+ (Bullying)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

“Arthur’s Eyes” is the second book in Marc Brown’s famous “Arthur” series and is about how Arthur copes with having his glasses for the first time and the bullying he goes through.  “Arthur’s Eyes” is truly a masterpiece for anyone who also has problems with having their glasses for the first time in their lives.

Marc Brown’s writing is truly inspiring since it involves a real life situation about how Arthur felt when he was teased by his classmates about his glasses and how he did not want to wear his glasses anymore because of the teasing.  The story is cute without going too overboard with the bullying that Arthur faces after he wears his glasses for the first time in his life.  Marc Brown’s illustrations are improved more from his last book “Arthur’s Nose” as the characters looked extremely lively and the colors in this book may look a bit dull, but the characters are much more interesting looking in this book.  Arthur still retains his long nose, but no longer looks like a real aardvark, which is an improvement to his character. 

“Arthur’s Eyes” is one of Marc Brown’s most memorable book as it help started the famous TV series and it actually reaches out to kids who have problems with teasing from their classmates when they first got their glasses.  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate for children in this book.


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