
Friday, July 26, 2013

[BOOK REVIEW] Morning Glories: All Will Be Free Volume 2 by Nick Spencer

Title:  Morning Glories:  All Will Be Free Volume 2

Author: Nick Spencer

Artist: Joe Eisma

Genre: Sci-fi Fantasy

Year Published: 2011

Year Read: 2013

Series: Morning Glories #2

Publisher: Image Comics

Source:  Library

Content Rating:  Ages 16+ (Strong Language and Gory Violence)


After reading the first volume of “Morning Glories Volume One: For a Better Future” by Nick Spencer along with artwork by Joe Eisma, I was curious to see how the characters would get out of the nightmarish Morning Glory Academy while keeping their sanities in check.  Now, I finally got around to reading the second volume of this series “Morning Glories Volume Two:  All Will be Free” and I am proud to say that the stories are starting to progress a bit more with these characters!

What is this story about?

In this volume, the six Glories Zoe, Hunter, Jun, Jade, Ike and Casey continue to try and solve the dark mysteries surrounding the school Morning Glory Academy.  But this time, we are treated to hearing the back stories of each character as they confront their dark pasts which could have an affect on their futures.

What I loved about this story:

Nick Spencer’s writing: After reading the first volume, I was wondering about where each of these characters came from and why they seem to be so troubled.  Well, Nick Spencer has finally given us the back stories of each of these characters and I really loved how the back stories really fleshed the characters out!  Nick Spencer really made each characters’ back stories dark and tragic, which really made me feel so much for the characters and it makes me hope that each of the characters would confront their dark pasts and try to benefit themselves in the future.  I also started to connect a bit more with the characters now that their back stories are revealed because in the first volume, I could not get into the characters since I did not know much about their backgrounds. Nick Spencer did a brilliant job at telling the story from the perspectives of all six of the Glory students as it helps gave each character a purpose in the story. I also loved the way that Nick Spencer continues to build up the suspense and mystery of Morning Glory Academy as I was yearning to find out the mysteries of the academy and what the staff wants with the chosen students.

Joe Eisma’s artwork:  Joe Eisma’s artwork as usual is truly beautiful and is probably the best aspect of this series.  I loved the way that Joe Eisma made all the characters realistic and gorgeous as it really brings so much clarity to the story and it makes this series stand out in its creativity.  I also loved the scenes with the flashbacks of each character as the coloring is done in brown as it really helps set the flashback sequences apart from the present stories being told.

What made me feel uncomfortable about this story:

The reason why I gave this volume a four star rating, even though I loved the fact that the characters’ back stories are now told, is because there were times where the story got a bit confusing and it was a bit difficult to understand the story.  There also seems to be too many events going on in this book as the actions of the characters are rushed through a bit too quickly and I sort of wish that more time was spent on trying to explain the actions of the characters.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, “Morning Glories Volume Two: All Will be Free” is a great continuation to the first volume and I definitely cannot wait to see if the Glories will escape from this school and what the school really wants with these students!

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