
Thursday, April 25, 2013

[BOOK REVIEW] Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator! by Mo Willems

Title:  Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator!

Author: Mo Willems

Genre: Animal / Humor / Friendship

Year Published: 2011

Year Read: 2013

Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Source:  Library

Content Rating:  Ages 4+ (Nothing Objectionable)

After reading so many of Mo Willems’ fantastic books like “Knuffle Bunny” and “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” I was lucky to stumble upon this book called “Hooray for Amanda and her Alligator!” and I must admit that this book is probably one of Mo Willems’ cutest books ever written!

Amanda and Alligator (who happens to be a stuffed toy) are best friends and they love to surprise each other!  Whether Amanda surprises Alligator or Alligator surprises Amanda back, they are inseparable.  But, one day Amanda brings home a surprise that Alligator does not seem to like. 

Will Alligator love this new surprise?

There are a total of six and a half stories that details the adventures of Amanda and her Alligator!

SO CUTE! Those are the two words that would most likely describe this book!  Mo Willems has done it again in writing books for children and making them so intriguing and creative all at the same time!  I loved the way that Mo Willems portrayed the friendship between Amanda and her Alligator as they truly care for each other and I love the little banters between them like this memorable exchange:

“I have a surprise for you,” said Alligator. “Would you like it?”

He giggled some more.

“Is it you yelling ‘BOO!’?” asked Amanda.

“Uh,” said Alligator, “not anymore.”

I really loved the personalities of both Amanda and Alligator as they are both snarky, but in a good way.  I loved the fact that Amanda enjoys reading books and in each chapter, she is always seen reading something different whenever Alligator tries to surprise her.
I also loved Mo Willems’ artwork as the artwork is simplistic yet cute at the same time.  I loved the images of Alligator himself as he is shown to be bubbly shaped and has a blue color which really makes him stand out in the story.  I also loved the appearance of Amanda herself as she is shown as a small girl with short black hair, a pink t-shirt and green pants and I loved her facial expressions whenever she is mad or happy.

The reason why I took off half a star for this book is because I felt that the book lacked the witty banters that Mo Willems normally put into his children’s books, even though there were a few here and there.  I do think that many children will enjoy this book, but any child who loved the usual snarky comments made by the characters in most of Mo Willems’ books might be a bit disappointed to not find much in this book.

Overall, “Hooray for Amanda and her Alligator” is a truly cute book from the creative mind of Mo Willems and children who loves reading about fantastic friendships and cute little alligators would definitely enjoy this book!  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since it is appropriate enough for small children.


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