
Monday, September 17, 2012

[BOOK REVIEW] Mystery on the Docks by Thacher Hurd

Title:  Mystery on the Docks

Author:  Thacher Hurd

Genre:   Mystery / Music / Drama / Suspense / Crime

Year Published: 1983

Year Read: 1996

Publisher:  HarperCollins

Source:  Library

Content Rating:  Ages 5+  (Some Intense Scenes)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

“Mystery on the Docks” is another classic book from Thacher Hurd about how a short order cook named Ralph tries to stop Big Al and his gang of rats from kidnapping a famous opera star.  “Mystery on the Docks” is a great book full of mystery that children will enjoy for the rest of their lives.

Thacher Hurd’s illustrations are colorful and creative just like in his previous book “Mama Don’t Allow,” especially as he contrasts Ralph’s diner, a colorful and peaceful place, from Big Al’s ship which looks dreary, dark and intimidating.  Thacher Hurd’s writing makes the story be full of excitement and drama, especially during the scenes where Ralph tries to make his escape from Big Al’s gang.

“Mystery on the Docks” is a great book full of mystery and drama that many mystery fans will enjoy for many years.  I would recommend this book to children ages five and up since the action scenes might worry smaller children.

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