
Saturday, July 7, 2012

[BOOK REVIEW] Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas

Title:  Sugar Daddy

Author:  Lisa Kleypas

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Year Published: 2007

Number of Pages: 371 pages

Date Read: 7/7/2012

Series: Travises #1  

Publisher:  St. Martin's Press

Source:  Library

Content Rating:  Ages 18+ (Some Sex Scenes)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

Ever since I had started reading Lisa Kleypas’ “Hathaways” series, I had fallen in love with her romance novels ever since!  Well, after reading so many romance novels from Lisa Kleypas that were mostly historical romance, I began reading some of Lisa Kleypas’ contemporary romance novels, the most recent one I have read is none other than “Sugar Daddy!”

Liberty Jones was fourteen years old when she first met the local hunky boy next door Hardy Cates.  Unfortunately, Hardy Cates ends up leaving the Texan town called Welcome to pursue his own ambitions, leaving Liberty Jones to confront with years of loneliness.  During her time of loneliness, Liberty also has to cope with the death of her mother which leaves her in the care of her baby sister, Carrington and she had to struggle to survive on her own.  Years later however, Liberty gets a job at a hair salon and meets elderly Texan aristocrat Churchill Travis.  After Liberty is introduced to the Travis family which included Gage Travis, the oldest son, Jack Travis, the middle son and Haven Travis the only daughter in the family. Not only does Liberty soon realize that the Travis family is the kindest family she has ever known, but Liberty also discovers about the importance of true love.

I will admit that “Sugar Daddy” was way different from any other contemporary romance novel I have read.  For one thing, the story consists of a love triangle between the main characters Liberty Jones, Hardy Cates and Gage Travis.  Now, I sometimes have issues with reading romance novels that has a love triangle plotline because most of the time, if a third character pops into the love triangle, it is not until the last second that the third person in the triangle arrives and sometimes the romance between the characters seem a bit forced when this happens.  Lisa Kleypas however makes the love triangle plotline work perfectly as we really get to know each character and their struggles during their life and the romance they pursue.  Liberty Jones is now officially one of my most favorite heroines ever from Lisa Kleypas’ romance novels!  I loved the fact that Liberty Jones is shown as an independent heroine as she not only has to deal with racism due to her being Mexican-American (which is something I truly admired about her character since it is rare that I see a diverse heroine or hero in a romance novel, although it is probably because I am not looking in the right place), but she also had to deal with taking care of her baby sister Carrington when her mother died.  It was a truly moving experience for me in seeing Liberty being determined in providing a good life for herself and her baby sister and it was this aspect of her personality that really made me feel attracted to her character.  I also loved the way that Lisa Kleypas developed Liberty’s character throughout this novel as we started to get to know Liberty’s deeper emotions about her life and how she feels about both Hardy Cates and Gage Travis and it was interesting seeing the world through her point of view.  Now let me get on with explaining about the heroes in this novel!  I just loved Gage Travis because he is such an interesting hero that is not your average handsome looking rich boy!  I loved the way that Lisa Kleypas made Gage Travis into this troubled character that had to meet his father’s expectations and yet is able to truly feel true love for Liberty Jones and her little sister, Carrington.  I also loved the fact that Gage Travis is one good-looking hero who is described as having a lean muscular body that really sets me on fire!  I also enjoyed the character Hardy Cates in his early years because he was such a sweet and handsome guy who cared for Liberty during her time of need and I loved the fact that he is so muscular compared to Gage!

For anyone who does not like reading sex scenes in a novel might want to skip over the sex scenes in this novel, although the sex scenes in this novel do not show up too often.  Also, one major issue I had with this novel is the fact that Gage Travis was not introduced in the story until near the end of the second half of this novel.  I felt that if the book was a little longer, we would have seen more scenes between Liberty and Gage and instead of having an instant romance, we would have seen the struggles between Liberty and Gage trying to work out their differences between each other since Gage is rich and wealthy while Liberty had to struggle to live the life that she wanted for herself and her sister.  I also thought that Hardy Cates should have arrived back into Liberty’s life after Liberty started living with the Travis family a little earlier because there would have been more scenes between Liberty and Hardy trying to adjust to being near each other as adults.  Also, with Hardy Cates coming in a bit late in the story caused the ending of this novel to be a bit forced (I will not tell you what happened at the end since I do not want to spoil it for anyone).

Overall, “Sugar Daddy” is still a brilliant novel to read and is easily one of my most favorite contemporary romance novels ever around!  I definitely recommend this book to fans of Lisa Kleypas’ romance novels!

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