
Sunday, December 25, 2022

My 2023 Ko-Fi Resolutions!


Hey everyone!  It's been a while since I last posted anything on my book blog, huh?  Well, I've been really busy for the last few months with my YouTube and Twitch accounts, and I didn't have the time to post anything on my book blog.  But hopefully, I'll start to post more often on my book blog.

But anyway, this post is all about my Ko-Fi account and the changes that I will be making to it in 2023.  So lately, I've been getting a bit more involved with my Ko-Fi account and I'm trying to make an effort to make it much better.  So, here are some New Years Resolutions that I have for my Ko-Fi account!

1. Interact with my viewers more

So, ever since I first created my Ko-Fi account, I noticed that I haven't really communicated much with other users or with my viewers over the years.  Even though I started my Ko-Fi account with a mission to achieve my goals, I never really interacted with other people using the platform and that's something that I wanted to rectify in 2023.  So, starting at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, I will start to make more of an effort to connect with more people and create a community for Ko-Fi.

2. Make more artwork for Ko-Fi

Another thing that I wanted to do more of in 2023 is to make more artwork for my Ko-Fi Shop.  I just recently started my Ko-Fi Shop and I have a few artworks in there.  But I wanted to make more artworks to share with other artists and I'm going to create more artworks in the near future.  I will also start sharing about how I did my artworks and I how I felt about each artwork so that way, everyone can see how much work I put into making the artworks.  

3.Try to reach my goal

So, I've been changing my goals around a bit this year and my new goal is to get a new laptop, gaming desktop and a TV.  I've been streaming on Twitch lately and even though I'm able to stream some games, I'm not able to stream some of the bigger games like "Dead by Daylight" and "Stray" because the laptop that I have now is not powerful enough to hold all of those big games.  I also want a gaming desktop for the same reason as I want to make my streams much better.  As for the TV, well let's just say that I accidentally broke my own TV.  So, I need a new one for my room.  I'm hoping that I can achieve these goals in 2023.

Well, those are my goals for my Ko-Fi account.  I hope that I can achieve these goals in 2023 and I hope that I can grow my Ko-Fi account more.

You can check out my Ko-Fi account here:

I hope that everyone has a good day!